Contract Overview
HealthTrust Europe is offering a new Framework Agreement for the supply of Continence Goods & Services. The duration of the framework will be 4 years (3 year initial term with the option to extend for 12 months). This framework replaces the previous continence home delivery and bulk delivery frameworks.
Benefits for customers accessing this framework include:
Clinical training and support – support with patient assessments and product selection.
Cost reduction opportunity assessment – tailored solution for most clinically and commercially efficient solution.
The framework is split into the following lots:
– Lot 1: Bulk Provision of Continence Goods and Services
The scope of this lot includes:
* Wearable continence products
* Washable and disposable underpads
* Clinical support
* Bulk delivery service.
– Lot 2: Home Delivery Provision of Continence Goods & Services
The scope of this lot includes:
* Wearable continence products
* Washable and disposable underpads
* Clinical support
* IT management system
* Home delivery service
– Lot 3A: Continence & Pelvic Health Accessories
The following products are included within the scope of this lot, however, this list is not exhaustive:
– Catheters
– Faecal management products
– Bed pans and urinals
– Pelvic health products
Products supplied in this lot will be delivered to a central location designated by the Participating Authority.
– Lot 3B: Home Delivery Provision of Continence & Pelvic Health Accessories
The scope of this lot includes all the products listed under lot 3A, however, products supplied in this lot will be delivered directly to patients in the community, including individuals’ homes, residential and nursing homes.
– Lot 4: Aggregated Lot
This lot facilitates the provision to permit Participating Authorities to tailor bespoke products and service specifications to accommodate their requirements and contractually commit in advance to purchasing a specified value and/or volume of their requirements. Requirements can be in any combination of more than one lot of the Framework.
Lot 1: Bulk Provision of Continence Goods and Services
Abena UK Ltd
Critical Healthcare Ltd
iMEDicare Ltd
Medline Industries Limited
Essity UK Limited
Vernacare International Limited
Ontex Healthcare UK Limited
Lot 2: Home Delivery Provision of Continence Goods & Services
Abena UK Ltd
iMEDicare Ltd
Essity UK Limited
Ontex Healthcare UK Limited
Lot 3A: Continence & Pelvic Health Accessories
Abena UK Ltd
Elidah Inc.
iMEDicare Ltd
Prosys International Ltd
Vernacare International Limited
Lot 3B: Home Delivery Provision of Continence & Pelvic Health Accessories
Abena UK Ltd
Elidah Inc.
iMEDicare Ltd
Lot 4: Aggregated Lot
All suppliers awarded.
Contact the HealthTrust Europe Customer Care team, on 0845 887 5000 or via Alternatively, please contact your Account to log your interest, then the Category Manager will make contact to discuss your requirement.