Audit, Counter Fraud and Spend Analysis Consultancy Services Lot 5 Public Sector Start date: 02/09/2024 End date: 01/09/2027 01/09/2028
Total Workforce Solutions III (TWS III) National & International Permanent Recruitment – Lot 1b Public Sector Start date: 12/08/2024 End date: 12/08/2026 12/08/2028
ICT and Digital Consultancy Solutions and Advisory Services Lot 6 Public Sector Start date: 02/09/2024 End date: 01/09/2027 01/09/2027
Pharmacy Homecare Delivery Services Public Sector Start date: 11/04/2022 End date: 10/04/2024 10/04/2026
Haemofiltration Equipment and Consumables Public Sector Start date: 01/11/2021 End date: 31/10/2023 31/10/2025