Supporting the NHS to Deliver Savings on Agency Staff Spend

HealthTrust Europe offers framework agreements for Temporary Agency Staffing, which typically deliver initial savings between 5 – 10% for Trusts transitioning onto them.

The HTE framework agreements include Nursing & Care, Medical Locums & GPs, Allied Health Professionals & Health Science Services and Non-Clinical, which have been procured in line with the Public Contracts Regulations 2006. These provide a fully compliant route to market for Trusts wishing to contract with Temporary Staffing Agencies (Employment Businesses).

Following the recent communication by the Department of Health, Monitor, NHSE and TDA, HealthTrust Europe is liaising with the relevant bodies, our framework providers and customers to further understand the impact of the proposed changes to agency staffing, in order to ensure our framework agreements continue to be fit for purpose whilst meeting the relevant legislation, regulations and guidelines issued.

As part of our Free-to-Access framework offering, customers benefit from the expertise of our agency team, who are responsible for defined areas of spend and provide a tailored approach. They work closely with customers and suppliers to maximise the level of knowledge, support and guidance to achieve compliance, fill and reportable savings bespoke to the category.

We offer customers contracting and mediation support to identify and achieve hard and soft savings opportunities. These can include structuring agency supply chains, unifying locum pay rates, setting sustainable commissions, supplier performance management, applying best practice, and forward planning.

Through engaging our customers pro-actively, we have a greater level of success in maintaining fill rates whilst generating increased controls for hospitals and greater accountability on suppliers to provide a high quality service.

We understand the requirements within the NHS to have correct staffing levels in place to ensure patient safety is maintained. We can therefore work with Trusts to ensure they are sourcing within a compliant framework agreement whilst ensuring patient safety is not put at risk. We look forward to continuing to work with those Trusts who already benefit from the use of the HealthTrust Europe framework agreements, and welcoming those who would like to work with us. 

Further information on the new financial controls for agency staffing can be found on the government website

Additionally, you can visit the Monitor, NHS England (NHSE) or NHS Trust Development Authority (TDA) websites.